Eric arrives back tomorrow morning. He is no longer in email contact on the ship but should be back on his mobile soon. He is planning to spend tomorrow and tomorrow night with Lil, Brother Billy and co and will come home some time on Thursday.
The Bucks Herald is publishing a tribute to Lizzie in tomorrow's edition. I raided Byeways earlier today and borrowed a photo of the beautiful girl for them to use - sorry Eric, but wanted them to have something stunning to put on the front page, where she belongs.
Mellie has suggested we start collecting funny stories and memories of our happy times together. Where better place to store them than this blog? So let's just do it. Click on the 'comments' bit to add a comment, not the envelope, which was the mistake I made, till lovely Leif put me right. He is on standby to answer anyone's technical questions, or even just plain stupid ones like mine!
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
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Though we only worked together the once, a memorable tour of "Loves Labours Lost" for David Conville back in the Autumn of 1976. What capers we had during those months on the road always dining out, sharing copious meals & despite the delicacy with which she would attatck her plate along with the slightness of her build she could out eat one effortlessly with no adverse reaction to figure. She was a gourmet who loved her food. Always a joy to be with, we remained firm friends for 40+ years. We'd speak regularly with discussions of ailments, therapies & wonderful chit-chat about life in general with a checkily/cheery downplaying of the issues of her situation with the big "D" but "nerry" a one to complain despite everything that life threw at her. As we'd be chatting suddenly she'd exclaim "Oh Daughter" & you knew some piece of delight was about to issue forth!
Dearest Lizzie, how you'll be missed but you'll always be in my heart. Through darks days you brought such light & inspiration.Thank you with love. Jono Blake
My memories go back to when I would be literally too tiny to remember - but we were both in panto when I was 5! As a child, I was practically convinced that Lizzie really was the one true Peter Pan, after all I saw her flying on stage and that was all I needed. To compound this belief still further, I still remember a dream where she came to chat with me and was perched in a tree. In real life however, she dispensed Pan-like wisdom at important times in my life to me as I grew up.... Lizzie, we all know you've not gone far, feel free to interrupt your awfully big adventure and perch in a tree for a gossip any time. All my love, Miranda - aka Little Miss Moss xxx
'Through the Looking Glass and what Alice Found There'first brought Lizzie to Durban in 1973, when Little Miss Moss was 5 months old. That, along with 'Gigi' (1974),'Peter Pan' (1977) and 'Aladdin (1978)wraps neatly into the enchanted basis for a lifetime friendship between Lizzie and Miranda, and Miranda's Mum and Dad. From South African 'Then' to in UK 'Now', Lizzie is special, even though we don't exactly live next door and meetings have neen few.
There was the time all three of us came to stay at Chearsley and fed the geese and picked raspberries. We'd arrived ahead of you late the night before, and sat waiting for you in your kitchen, quite unaware that through a secret door there lay a proper house!!
Dearest Lizzie, my grown-up daughter Miranda has hit the nail bang on with her finale. I'd only add that when you next drop into her tree, take a butchers at her husband and her son - you'll
like both of them.
With oceans of love from Boss Moss and from me - Jill xxx
There are not many people with whom you can laugh and cry almost at the same time and dearest Lizzie was one of them. We would both end up practically hysterical about one ailment or another as we always used to find something funny in just about every situation however bad it was. Oh Lizzie, wise and dearest chum - I shall miss our communal irreverence and the happiest of times together. Keep dancing in my heart and you will live forever in our fondest memories. You are so very special and quite irreplaceablexx
My darling Lizzie.At all our get togethers you always made me feel so special.You were understanding wben i met my twin Lizzie for the first time in 2000.She reminded me of you in so many ways, having you as a special friend helped me bond with her more quickly. Thank you. You always brought out the best in me, as you did with everyone. Sitting on your bed, laughing so much, and gossiping. Your sparkle and wit and love will be with me always, keep smiling your beautiful smile and drop in for a glass of bubbly at any time, I will miss you my darling friend xx
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